Wednesday, November 02, 2005

First Post

Yes, I finally did it. I have been debating about starting a blog for some time now. I didn't want to do it just to be in the new wave of popularity, but I wanted to have a place where I could write about what's inside.

Through this blog I intend to share what is on my mind and in my heart. Will it always be nice? Probably not, but then again life is not always nice. So, it is out there. View with caution. I intend to share what is happening in our lives on a surface basis, but also share what is happening to me, where my life is heading and how I feel about it. It maybe hard at times to hear that things are not going well, it is in these times that I ask for your support and your prayers. So you may ask, why make it public? I have learned the value of community over the past year and desire to be there with you. Living far away makes it difficult so this is my solution. I will pour it out; do with it as you please. I would love to be in conversation with you over topics that pull at your heartstrings or topics that you desire to know more about. Please comment!

Then again, you can skip all the details and just view the pictures of life in Seattle and the most handsome 4 month old who lives here. We will keep those coming on a regular basis also.

So there it first blog. Enjoy!