This is a sign that is currently hanging on the corner outside our apartment complex. Yes, you read it correctly, BLAKE LEWIS from American Idol was back here, in his hometown of Bothell yesterday! Of course being the American Idol fans we are, we couldn't miss out on the chance to go and see him! So we packed up and headed downtown Bothell for an afternoon of excitement.

Arriving in downtown Bothell an hour and a half before the parade, we grabbed ice cream and scoped out our spot for the parade. As the time went by the crowd got larger and larger. Teenage girls were going crazy screaming at the top of their lungs, running around, jumping up and down and either wearing or carrying their "Blaker Girls" paraphernalia. It was quite humours to watch. A small reminder or how obsessive and "nuts" our society is...I guess that is just job security for Mike.

Here are Samuel and Daddy waiting patiently for the parade to begin. Yes, that is one of the many Blake heads that were floating around. As you can see, Samuel is pretty confused about all the hype.

Luckily it was a beautiful day so we didn't mind being outside for a bit. Samuel saw a lady with a bird and had a chance to go and pet it. He also took a short walk with daddy to the end of the street that was blocked with police cars. The nice police woman gave him a sticker!

By the time the parade began it was mass hysteria. People screaming at the top of their lungs, stampeding the streets as the car with Blake went by, and the migration of the masses to the park that he was going to be performing at. In the picture you can see Blake standing in the background (striped blue and grey shirt) and the people crowding around the car. The two teenage boys were two of the many running around to get a better view of Bothell's own.

After Mike and I regained our composure. No we were not screaming, but rather laughing at the oddity of human behavior, we cut back to the park. With Mike's careful observation we noticed that there was only one road into the park, of which the car carrying Blake would have to travel down. Amazingly the street was clear. We scouted out a spot and waited hoping to get a better picture. Not only did we get this shot, but Mike had the rare honor of having Blake talk to him personally. He had on his Chicago Cubs shirt. Blake pointed at him and said, "Hey, what's that? Where is your Mariner's shirt?" Sorry Blake, we like you but will always be Cubs fans! Now Mike has a claim to fame!

While they were setting up the concert and presenting Blake with all sorts of awards and honors, Samuel went to check out the fire truck. He was pretty excited about the whole thing and it will probably be the only thing he remembers. Oh well. We hung around for a bit longer and listened to a bit of the concert. I will try and post a short video of one of the songs when it is loaded. All in all, it was quite an adventure. It was fun to be amidst the chaos and now we can say that we saw and talked to Blake Lewis! How many people can say that?