Samuel continues to be amazing with Liam and the whole adjusting to a big brother role. He defiantly is still two and has his fair share of meltdowns, but is being quite the trooper. His new role in the household (one he gave himself) is "Helper." Samuel loves to help do everything. As soon as anyone is in the kitchen moving around he is right there with his stool asking to help.

We made pasta salad the other day. Both boys were helpers. Liam is sound asleep in the Moby wrap (another great addition that came with this pregnancy) and Samuel is putting all the cut vegetables in the bowl. He did try and taste a few as he went. So he hasn't quite learned all the rules of the kitchen yet.

Here Samuel is with a very independent, time consuming role. He is taking washed grapes out of the strainer, separating them from the stem and putting them in a bowl. He has always loved fresh fruits and we found that if we keep some accessible to him in the fridge he is able to help himself and doesn't then snack on junk.

Samuel also leads exercise classes in the house. Nana and Papa bought him a trampoline for his birthday. He loves it. It is also a great way to get all the extra energy out a little more constructively. The first day he got it he jumped 100 times in a row! Made me tired.
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