Liam has spent the first nine months of his life toothless. Things are about to change. For about three weeks now I have been expecting his bottom tooth or teeth to break through. I am still sure it will come any day. In the meantime this is how we are spending most of our days.
He wants to be held nonstop. When you are holding him you have to be bouncing or moving. He is not content just sitting on your lap. He has also become very much of a mommy's boy. Whenever I am in the room or he sees me he squeals at me until I go attend to him. He is constantly climbing on me when I join him to play on the floor and insists that he is in my lap instead. Although I enjoy a good cuddle with him I am getting a little tired of the 24 hour a day clinging.
He wants to be held nonstop. When you are holding him you have to be bouncing or moving. He is not content just sitting on your lap. He has also become very much of a mommy's boy. Whenever I am in the room or he sees me he squeals at me until I go attend to him. He is constantly climbing on me when I join him to play on the floor and insists that he is in my lap instead. Although I enjoy a good cuddle with him I am getting a little tired of the 24 hour a day clinging.
Some of the clinging and wanting to be near me may also be some separation anxiety. I have a feeling we will deal with that much more with Liam then we ever did with Samuel. Liam is also reaching another developmental milestone any day. Crawling. He gets up on all fours and is able to move each limb separately but has yet to figure out how they all work together. Guess we better baby proof this weekend.
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