Monday, June 30, 2008
New Name...
Posted by jenn at 1:21 PM 10 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Picnics and Corndogs
Posted by jenn at 9:47 AM 1 comments
Wading Pool Fun

Posted by jenn at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Countdown Begins

And that feels big.

Posted by jenn at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Me Too, Woody!
Game time. Checkers!
"Me too, Woody!"
"No, only two."
Buzz and Woody. Good Buddies!
Playtime. Seesaw!
"Me, too Woody!"
"No, only two."
Poor Jessie.
"Hey Jessie." "Want to play?"
"Yay!" Play ball.
Big swing. Big hit.
"Run Buzz!" "Run Jessie!"
Going. Going. Got it!
Good play! Good buddies!
Posted by jenn at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Old, New, Red, Blue
Old truck. New car.
Red truck. Blue car.
Shiny and bright.
Dull and brown.
Day on the highway.
Night in the town. Dirty car.
Clean car.
Nice car. Mean car.
Drive fast, fast, fast.
Drive nice and slow.
Cars ride high. Cars ride low.
Tires are big. Tires are small.
Piles of tires. Short and tall.
Wheels rolling on the ground. Cars and trucks drive all around.
Beep. Beep.
Posted by jenn at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
An Afternoon at the Park
A couple weeks ago we took a little walk over the Green Lake to feed the ducks. Although all the signs are posted requesting people not to feed them, what mom could resist the giggles and smiles of a two year old thrilled to do so. So...we did! Oh well!

Posted by jenn at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Rites of Passage
I. Overcoming a Fear
Once the bridge was completed you had to cross it. Well, Samuel made it about half way and started to panic. Although Mike was right behind him he wanted to either go back or have daddy carry him. Mike asked him to take a deep breath and look how far he already was. He then explained that he could do it and that daddy would be there. After a bit of persuading Samuel agreed to try and keep going. He made it all the way across and when he got to the other side, exclaimed "I did it!" A very proud moment for mommy and daddy.

II. Peeing Outside
Also while camping, Samuel made the step into boyhood where peeing outside becomes ok. After going back and forth from the nasty outhouse several times, Mike taught Samuel how to pee in the grass. He thought it was hilarious. He caught on rather quickly and amazingly had to go to the bathroom every few minutes. Every once in awhile we would look over and catch a glimpse.
Posted by jenn at 4:00 PM 0 comments

Posted by jenn at 3:33 PM 0 comments

Posted by jenn at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Still Alive

I know I have been pretty horrible about the updates and promise to have some shortly. I was prepared to list all the horrible excuses as to why, but am just a bit rushed with Samuel yelling because the tv is broken and Liam hanging on my hip squawking because I didn't pick him up yet, so the excuses will have to wait. Anyway, updates to come shortly...Stay tuned!
Posted by jenn at 7:37 AM 0 comments