With the boys birthdays only being two weeks apart we had lots of opportunity for lots of birthday fun. It all started with a birthday party in Michigan. We then had a birthday party in Seattle, a trip to the Great Wolf Lodge and two weekends of camping! Since I am so far behind with blogging you will get it all in pictures...

First paddle boat ride with daddy!

Samuel liked the speed boat much better this year!

Opening presents in Lansing.
Camping Trip #1
Liam and his first rock climbing experience.

Daddy and the birthday boys!

Mommy and the birthday boys!


Chilling by the water.

Mr. Adventure crossing another bridge!
Great Wolf Lodge

Nana and the birthday boys!

Buckets of water...

Samuel going down the slides by himself. He ended up going on the big ones too!

Liam loving the water!

Getting sleepy...

Have to have a break.

Samuel and Daddy going down the slide together.

The boys loving the water!

Get 'em!


Good times...
More pictures of camping trip #2 to come along with anything else that is still on the camera!
Happy Birthday Boys!! It looks like they had a wonderful birthday. I wish you guys the best as you say your good byes and travel back. I will be thinking and praying for safe travels.
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