Happy Birthday Liam!

Can it really be true? It is so hard to believe that our baby is already a year old. It really feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting and began to prepare for another little one. Time sure does fly.

A year ago yesterday, Liam blessed the world with his presence. After an good pregnancy and amazing delivery we were shocked to find out we had a second baby boy. I instantly fell in love. From the beginning Liam has been an amazing baby. He slept well, ate well and just enjoyed life. He was generally happy, easily entertained and overall content to go with the flow.

I always worried about loving a second child as much as the first. I wondered if my bond would be the same, if I had enough love to go around. The instant I held him I knew. I knew that I would adore him, I would light up at the sight of him, I knew that I had enough and that I would be enough.

I love the gentleness we have witnessed in Liam. He is so curious and desires to be independent but sticks close to mom and dad. Lately we have begun to see a bit more of Liam's personality. He is going to be the younger brother who is sneaky and a bit of a stinker. As soon as Samuel is out of the room, Liam will go for Samuel's most treasured toys and a huge smile will spread across his face as he realizes he is into something he shouldn't be. Liam adores Samuel and wants to do everything he does. He is generally pretty close behind as they tornado through the house. I am so excited about watching them grow up together.

I am not even going to begin to guess what the next year will be like for Liam. I am amazed at how different the boys are and how much I love that. I love watching Liam discover life. I adore him in every way and am so honored to be his mom. Whatever the next year brings you can bet that we will discover it all together.
Happy Birthday (my not so baby) Baby Boy!
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