This past weekend we went on our final camping trip here in the great state of Washington. We headed back to Gold Basin which has been our camping headquarters for the last three years. We spend the weekend with our good friends, the FitzGeralds and the Belks. Samuel and Liam had Katelynn to play with and Bailey had Hannah (Belk's dog). It was a good time had by all.
We spent time eating great food, hiking to Borgman Lake, sitting around the campfire, making homemade ice cream and laughing with friends. The kids did great during the days and as expected at night. Here are a few highlights through pictures.

The whole gang.

Jen, Tucker and Katelynn

Anne, Paul and Hannah

Mommy and Liam playing by the river.

Daddy and Liam hanging out at Borgman Lake.

The boys exploring.

Cheeky boy.

Early the morning of Liam's birthday, Daddy took him down to the river. They got to spend some quality time together playing in the rocks!

We left Gold Basin Sunday so thankful of the memories we have from there. We will miss our camping trips there where the boys spent hours playing at the river, getting dirty and being "just boys." The ice caves, Borgman lake and Mt. Pilchuck will always hold special memories for all of us. We look forward to telling the boys all our stories of our times spent there.
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