Monday, February 25, 2008

Back into the Swing

Well, I hope this week that we are able to get back into the swing of things. It feels like we have been out of commission for a few weeks and that the world did not wait for us to get healthy. It kept going...imagine that.

Mike is back at work this week and seems to be feeling better. He has quite a bit of catching up to do since he has been home for a week and a half (the week was vacation). Classes also continue for Mike so there is always reading and paper writing to do.

Samuel seems to be back to his old self. He is very much 2 1/2 and is finding more and more ways to push our buttons on a daily basis. He is still on antibiotics but is back up to moving nonstop from activity to activity.
Liam is officially done with his second round of antibiotics and is needing to go back to the doctor to have his ears checked. We really hope they are clear but since he is still pulling on them I doubt they are. If they are not we will probably have to see a specialist to figure out why they won't clear and look at other ways to help him out.

I am feeling much better than a few weeks ago. I still have a week of antibiotics to take but am actually able to function a bit better this week. I still always feel like I need to take a nap but that could also be the fact that I have two young children. Hopefully nights will provide a bit more rest this week.

Guess that is it from the home front. We have a short six months left here in Seattle and the reality of our leaving is starting to sink in. Good in some ways, sad in others. Guess we will have to wait and see what the remaining time brings.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Doctor is in...

This will be a quick update. This past Tuesday we were all still really sick so we headed back up to the med center yet again.

The diagnosis
Mike...nasty cough, viral infection...treatment-cough syrup, rest
Liam...double ear infection...antibiotics
Samuel....ear infection...antibiotics
Jenn...sinus infection, walking pneumonia...antibiotics, rest

So as you can see, life still pretty much is awful at this point. Wednesday we left for a weekend away with friends. We got back today and Mike heads back to school on Monday. I will post more about this past weekend and a few photos when I have the energy to do so.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring Is Just Around the Corner

It is beginning to be a bit more like Spring around here. The sun has been shining and flowers are starting to bud. Yesterday we took a walk to the library and stopped along the way to run and play in the grass. Samuel and daddy chased one another around in the grass. Samuel loved picking all the little flowers for me. It is so nice to hear birds chirp and feel the cool spring air blowing in the windows. I am looking forward to more daylight, the sun being out more, the smell of spring, walks around the lake, cool afternoons, and lots of time on the playground. I guess along with spring also comes muddy shoes and muddy knees.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

What A Week

As you have all well noticed, I have been a bit absent on the blog postings. Not much has been going on to report on since we have all been cooped up inside trying to get over this illness that has invaded the house for over two weeks now. Samuel is seeming to feel better and is getting back to his old self. Liam now has a double ear infection which is being treated by antibiotics. He has been a pretty cranky baby, rightfully so. I am still trying to recover from what I am guessing is a sinus infection. Mike has been feeling cruddy here and there but doesn't seem to have been hit with all the crap we have. Thank goodness...someone has to hold us all together.

Since I don't feel like writing a ton but wanted to let you know that we are all still alive, I will just update you with some cute pictures. Here you go...

Samuel thinks it is great to dress Liam up. Liam is not always amused.

Getting bigger everyday. I can't believe how old he looks here.

Still smiling with two ear infections.

Yes, both boys are sitting. That is all I can ask. Maybe someday they will both look and smile at the same time. Then again...probably not.

This morning we went on a walk to the library. We had to stop part way so Liam could eat. Samuel and daddy picked flowers and ran around in the muddy grass. Spring is just around the corner.

This week I will try and do a better job of keeping everyone updated! Keep praying that we all get healthy soon. This being sick stuff really stinks!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Newest Dinkins

Our good friends had an addition to their family last week. Here he is...

Everett Lewis Dinkins
February 8th
9lb 11oz
21.25 inches

The new family of four.

Trish, Paul and Roxy moved back to St. Louis this past December. We miss them all so much and can't wait to see them all this summer. It will be so much fun to introduce Liam and Everett!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Welcome Home Katelynn Joy

Yesterday was a good day here in Seattle. Our good friends, Jen and Tucker brought home their baby girl, Katelynn Joy. We had the wonderful opportunity to meet her last night. She is a cutie. Here are a few pictures.

Katelynn Joy
December 21st
5lbs 11oz
18 inches
pure joy

Katelynn and daddy.

Katelynn and mommy.

Our Near Future

I saw this video yesterday and was laughing out loud. I can only imagine that it will be our reality soon enough (minus the accent of course). If you need a good laugh here you go!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Giving Up Hope

Well, shortly after I posted I got a call from Mike at school. He has been feeling horrible all afternoon. It is the same way I started so it looks like he is in for it also.

Samuel also just woke up from his nap screaming and pulling on his ear. He tells me it hurts and that he is still sick. He is walking around the house holding his "t-t" to his ear. At least that gives him a bit of comfort.

Round 3...ding.

Sick Days

Although there has been drastic improvement in the health at the Clark household we are still pretty quarantined around here. Here is the breakdown of the past week...

Thursday pm..Samuel starts running a fever
Friday 3:00am...Samuel throws up all over Mike, his bed and his floor
Friday 3:01am...Mike puts in for a sub
Friday day...Samuel continues to run a fever and is just not feeling well
Friday night...Samuel is up throughout the night crying and taking Tylenol
Saturday am...Samuel continues to run a fever, Mike is at wits end with a sick 2 year old, Jenn is praying Liam doesn't catch it, Liam thinks life is grand
Saturday day and night...Samuel's fever stops, running nose and cough start
Saturday night...sleepless enough I don't remember
Sunday am...Samuel is doing much better, runny nose and cough still but back playing
Sunday day...Mike and Jenn are saved by Jen and Tucker and actually get out to see Juno
Sunday night..Samuel starts up again with a really bad cough, Mike puts in for another sub
Monday day...Samuel seems to be doing better, Jenn, Liam and Mike seem to be in the clear
Monday night...more sleep than previously
Tuesday early am...Mike off to work, Jenn up and ready for the day, Samuel feeling better, Liam happy
Tuesday mid am...Liam spikes a fever, Jenn starts to feel miserable
Tuesday 3:30pm...Mike home, Liam and Samuel left with him, Jenn to bed
Tuesday 6:00pm...Jenn throwing up, Liam crying non-stop, Samuel wondering why everyone is sick
Tuesday 8:00pm...Liam sleeping but only if held, Jenn back in bed, Samuel asleep, Mike watching CNN for Super Tuesday updates
Wednesday am...all feeling a bit better, no fevers, Liam pulling on ears and coughing, Samuel coughing and runny nose, Jenn coughing and running nose, Mike fingers crossed that he stays well
Wednesday night...continued improvement but lots of waking in the middle of the night since it is impossible to breath laying down for any of us
Current...Liam napping, Samuel napping, Jenn showered, Mike at work...all feeling better but still needing a few more days

As you can see it has been an adventure. I hope no one else has to go through this!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Rough Days...Rougher Nights

Well, the last few days around the Clark household have been pretty rough. Mike and I are exhausted and the boys are both sick. Yuck is right!

It all started Thursday night. Samuel started running a fever around 8:30pm. He was up and down most of the night and finally topped it all off around 4am when he threw up down Mike's back and all over his bed. Mike stayed home from work on Friday to help out.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are pretty much a blur at this point. Lots of crying (mostly from Samuel and I), lots of coughing, nose wiping, Tylenol taking, walking with kids in our arms, rocking at all hours of the nights and more crying. I am not sure either of the boys have slept for more than about a two hour span, of course both on different cycles, meaning Mike or I are awake every hour. To say the least we are ready to wave the magic wand that will make everyone better. Mike is home again today since dealing with two sick kids is beyond what I am able to handle at this point.

The highlight of the weekend was that Mike and I were able to get away for a couple of hours. Jen and Tucker watched the boys while we went and saw the movie, Juno. Highly recommended by both of us. We had two hours of a good movie, buttery popcorn, all you can drink diet coke, and best of all no crying children.

Wish us luck in the next couple of days as we try to get this sickness to leave our house. Hopefully sooner rather than later for all our sakes.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

366 Days to Better Pictures

As a way to better my picture taking ability I have decided to participate in a couple of photo opportunities. A good friend of mine, Jessi, set up a Flickr group in which we have to post one photo a week. Each week has a theme and we share our pictures and have a chance to get feedback . These are a few pictures I have posted to that group.

Theme: natural light
(picture is suppose to be in color but I am too tired to look for it)

Theme: Landscape

Theme: Close-Up
(parts of something)

Theme: Close-Up
(parts of something)

Additionally, I have joined another Flickr group that is a picture a day with the theme being kids. Each day I am suppose to capture one of the boys being cute (really hard to do around here) and post it to the group. Now, I know I will miss a day or two but I am eager to see the progression of my pictures. I started Feb. 1st to this group so here are my first two days of pictures.

All in all, I am eager to use my camera more and more and hopefully get better and better! You can check out my Flickr account here.