Well, our little guy is officially three! It is so amazing to think about the past three years and all the wonderful memories we have. Samuel continues to amaze me each and every day and I still adore him, his dimples and his gentle spirit. In the past three years I have laughed more authentically, cried more fully and truly learned what it means to love unconditionally. It has been an amazing roller coaster ride that I would jump on again in a heart beat.
I remember the day he was born. Holding him, so little, so innocent and so perfect. I remember thinking that this love is really what living is for and promising him in those moments that I would always be there. He was our little miracle and I was never going to let go. The last three years have taught me so much about parenting, love and letting go. We have watched our newborn baby grow into a curious infant, adventurous toddler and an active little boy. I am so proud of the little boy that he is. He is so full of life (and energy) that is contagious. His smile can light up a room and his dimples melt your heart.
Samuel still loves his cars more than any other toy. He will play for hours lining them up, driving them around and reenacting scenes from movies. His love for puzzles and books has continued to grow. He still blows me out of the water in a race to put a 24 piece puzzle together. Samuel has also become a little explorer. He loves being outside and hunting for special treasures. He collects rocks daily and brings mommy flowers whenever he can get away with picking them.
Samuel is a great big brother. He loves Liam and is constantly watching out for him. They play well together when Liam is doing exactly as Samuel wants him to. I am so excited to see their relationship grow and hopefully develop into a lifelong friendship. Liam adores Samuel and is constantly trying to copy everything he is doing. Samuel is generally very patient with Liam and eager to help him do it "like a big boy."
I can't even begin to imagine what the next year of life will bring, but one thing I am sure of is that it will be filled with many memories, much laughter and moments in which I just want to freeze time and remain here forever. I can't wait to see what Samuel will be like at 4!
Happy Birthday Little Dude!

Happy Birthday Little Dude!

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